Home > Mountain Road Litter Pick

Fly Tipping, Illegal Dumping, and Throwing Rubbish out of Cars, are just a few words that The Trust and many people in the community are fed up with hearing and seeing.

Together, The Trust and John Davies director of John Davies and son’s funeral directors teamed up and decided enough was enough, the mountain road between Garden Village and around the bend from Graigfargoed cemetery needed a big cleanup.

The conditions of the roadside were appalling, not just bags among bags of litter but sofas, mattresses, compost, and much more had been dumped on the side of our beautiful valley.

We engaged with the community through Facebook and email and away we went, We started this litter pick on Sunday the 5th of March at 10 am, and altogether it has taken us 6 Sundays and a handful of Thursday afternoons to finally finish.

The mountain now looks like a mountain again with over 100 bags of rubbish collected and disposed of correctly by Terence from the Local Authority and his team.

We couldn’t have achieved what we have, or even come close to finishing this pick without the help of some lovely members of the community.

We would like to give a big shout-out and a big big  thank you to the following members:

Rebekah Stone and her children

Teresa Cleaton and her son Owen

 Gill Preston our trustee

Michelle Symonds councillor

John Davies from John Davies & Sons Funeral Directors

Howard and Sioned from The Trust

The efforts you have all put in over the last few weekends have tremendously helped and you have done a great job helping us clean up our community.

Will this end be the real question? Can we get the respect back that our community deserves, let’s hope that going forward that the clean green scenery we have now restored attracts the right passers-by, and not the individuals who see it as a dumping ground!   

We are also looking into cameras and hopefully this is something that can be put into place in the near future to help stop fly tipping.